Friday, November 13, 2009

oh thank god for Auntie!

I'm up to my neck in nanowrimo at the moment - 18,000 words down, 32,000 to go.  Writing a 50K word novel in November is great fun, but there's one thing that is of course even better - procrastinating.  In which spirit, thank god for the ABC!

David Hare is the distinguished gentleman who wrote the screen adaptation of Bernard Schlink's novel The Reader that became the award-winning but perhaps slightly underwhelming film starring Kate Winslet and Ralph Fiennes.  He gave this performance quite recently as part of the events marking the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.  It is *very funny* and should be listened to by anyone who has ever been to Berlin, wanted to go to Berlin or eaten a doughnut.  Mmm... doughnuts.

Meanwhile, that time of year has rolled round when all the little journalistic sorts scamper out of their burrows, go to a big fuck-off hall, drink a moderate amount of white wine, journalists of course tending to be temperate sorts, and listen to one of their own lecture them about the state of the media.  My highlight from years past was listening to John Doyle AKA Ragin' Roy Slaven* but I think that this year's effort by that lovable runaway from Wombledon Common**, Julian Morrow may have given him a run for his money.  Check it out - It's important stuff.

In other news, bacon and mushroom risotto is the stuff of kings, Cormac McCarthy is a gloomy old bugger and I'd quite like to meet the man who drew this.

* I've got the recording of it floating around if anyone's interested

** And executive producer of The Chaser

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